Top 5 Best Frameworks For Android App Development In 2025

Top 5 Best Frameworks For Android App Development In 2025


For businesses, especially small-scale businesses and startups, developing a mobile app is way more feasible than website development. A report suggests that smartphone users will increase to 4.74 billion by the end of 2025, with an annual 2.2% increase.

In addition to that, a study confirms that over 110 billion apps were downloaded from the Google Play Store in 2024.

Developing a mobile app can help businesses increase their sales, get a better ROI, streamline their processes, and offer value-added services to their customers.

A NASDAQ report points out that the Nilke mobile app has helped the business improve its digital revenues by 4% and 1% on a reported and currency-neutral basis, respectively.

Outsourcing your app development project to an Android or iOS app development services provider can help you get future-ready solutions and reduce time and costs.

Regarding mobile app development, Android is one of the most popular operating systems with the most significant global market share.

Android is an open-source platform with fantastic flexibility and customization possibilities. Also, the community is so massive and active that developers turn to it when they face any development issues or hurdles.

Furthermore, Android apps are user-friendly, superior in performance and speed, and can offer a great user experience. By incorporating AI, ML, and other emerging technologies, you can offer highly immersive user experiences to your target audience.

In addition, Android apps can be launched more quickly than iOS apps, as developers can build Android apps much faster. Also, an Android app's deployment is more straightforward than iOS.

Due to all these advantages, businesses are more likely to choose native Android app development or cross-platform app development to reach a massive Android audience worldwide.

What Is An Android App Development Framework?

Android frameworks can be termed as the best friends of Android app developers. These frameworks are software toolkits with a wide range of development tools, like libraries, widgets, features, pre-built code, pre-defined classes and functions, and a structure. A framework allows developers to piece together various parts of mobile apps with pre-defined components, libraries, and other tools.

It saves developers from writing code from scratch and simplifies the development process. Also, frameworks help developers build an end product that meets the business requirements of the publisher. Also, mobile app frameworks can help developers mitigate, manage, and fix bugs throughout the process.

Various Android app development frameworks share the same attributes, and hence, it is difficult to comment on the superiority of one of them. Unique advantages, drawbacks, features, and nuances are attached to each framework. After defining their project requirements and expectations, businesses can choose an Android app development framework.

Selecting the proper framework is crucial to speed up the development process, save money, maximize ROI, and meet the audience's demands. All you need to do is hire remote Android app developers who can understand your requirements and act accordingly.

Top Android App Development Frameworks

We will discuss the best-of-class Android app development frameworks to help scale up your business and simplify the development process.

1. React Native

React Native is a household name among developers who create awe-inspiring, feature-rich, and excellent mobile apps. Facebook created React Native in 2013 and declared it open-source in 2015 for the public. Since then, the popularity of React Native has grown tremendously.

Developers use ReactJS, JavaScript, and native Android capabilities to build cross-platform Android, iOS, and web applications. Discord, Airbnb, Instagram, etc., are popular mobile apps developed with React Native.

The best React Native feature is it allows developers to build UIs from the native building blocks of the system. It will enable React Native apps to render like native applications.

Also, developers don't need to update or redesign native Android components. They auto-update simultaneously with the system updates, reducing maintenance costs.

Features of React Native:

      As React Native deals with native UI components, you can have mobile apps that look and feel like native apps with stunning UIs.

      React Native has a massive library with UI components to speed up development.

      Developers can utilize native functionalities like cameras, GPS, etc., to build device-specific features and functionalities.

      Developers can use platform-specific native code to customize and optimize mobile apps.

      The Hot Reload feature allows developers to see the changes made to the code without refreshing the app.

      Being an open-source framework, React Native allows everyone to build next-gen mobile apps.

      Facebook supports it with the latest updates and regular versions.

Limitations of React Native:

      React Native's built-in navigation might create issues as it is not as standard and seamless as Android native navigation. It might create performance and speed issues.

      If you wish to have complex animations, graphics, and transitions in the app, React Native might not be suitable.

2. Flutter

Flutter does not need any introduction. It is one of the most popular cross-platform app development frameworks released by Google in 2017. With Flutter, you can build multiple apps for iOS and Android with a single codebase.

Unlike React Native, Flutter has its canvas for app component rendering. However, Flutter developers have to rely on manual updating of the app. Flutter is your framework if you want app components to stay as you have designed.

Flutter also has various widgets and libraries to build mobile apps with highly immersive and impressive user interfaces. It has a 2D-rendering engine called Skia that creates user interfaces that adhere to the guidelines of Google's Material Design and Apple's Cupertino widget style.

In addition, Flutter developers can manage visuals in a standard and specific manner to ensure a consistent user experience across multiple devices.

Flutter has a dedicated programming language called Dart, an object-oriented language with a C-style syntax.

Features of Flutter:

      Flutter's Hot Reload feature allows you to see changes made in the code by developers in real-time without refreshing the app. It speeds up the process.

      Flutter is a UI toolkit with pre-built widgets, APIs, CLI, and development tools.

      Flutter has various widgets that can be customized as well. Also, developers can create project-specific widgets.

      Google backs FlutterFlutter, a highly reliable framework for building mobile apps.

      Flutter has a fast code implementation feature that makes bug fixing quick and accurate.

Limitations of Flutter:

      Developers must rely on third-party APIs and packages as Flutter does not allow many native APIs.

      Flutter apps are large, and developers must compromise on images, animation, and the use of libraries.

3. Xamarin

Xamarin is another promising app development framework owned by Microsoft. It is one of the oldest Android app development frameworks for building mobile apps for Android, iOS, MacOS, and other operating systems.

Xamarin is one of the parts of Visual Studio IDE and allows developers to write mobile apps in C#. The code is similar on almost all the platforms.

Xamarin is the first choice among businesses that want to build native-like mobile apps that offer high-end performance and speed. However, Xamarin is a free and open-source framework, so you must buy a large-scale mobile app development license.

Features of Xamarin:

      Xamarin mobile apps are great at performance and speed.

      With a robust ecosystem with C#, .NET, and Microsoft, Xamarin is a comprehensive and perfect mobile app development framework.

      Thanks to the platform-specific libraries of Xamarin, developers can have APIs from Facebook, Google, Apple, and others.

      Developers can reuse the code to build cross-platform apps that look and feel like native apps.

Limitations of Xamarin:

      Xamarin apps are larger compared to native mobile apps.

      If you want to build an app with complex animation and gaming features, Xamarin might not work for you.

      Android app development with Xamarin will require developers to rewrite some UI parts in Java or Kotlin.

4. Ionic

Ionic is a free and open-source Android app development framework that uses HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to build hybrid mobile apps. Another plus point of Ionic is that it can interact easily with AngularJS, making Android app development smooth sailing.

The framework has many software development tools, animations, gestures, and other components. Developers can build next-gen, top-notch, feature-rich mobile, desktop, and progressive web apps.

Features of Ionic:

      Ionic has a simple learning curve. Web developers with expertise in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can build mobile apps.

      Ionic allows developers to access Cordova plugins to use native components of mobile systems.

      Ionic has a community of over 5 million developers ready to help you with any issues or development hurdles.

Limitations of Ionic:

      With Ionic, developers might find debugging challenging as unclear messages make it difficult to find error sources.

      Though Ionic allows the accessibility of native functions, they are not stable and might conflict with each other.

5. Apache Cordova

Like Ionic, Apache Cordova, previously known as PhoneGap, also allows developers to build hybrid mobile apps by using web technologies like HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.

The most significant plus point of Apache Cordova is that the app runs an app in a native container like WebView. With this facilitation, the framework can be used to build apps for various operating systems, like Android, iOS, Ubuntu, OS X, Windows, etc.

Features of Apache Cordova:

      Apache Cordova is a reliable, stable, and tested mobile app development framework.

      It also supports various operating systems, including OS X, Ubuntu, Windows, etc.

      The framework offers developers a wide range of plugins to build unparalleled, feature-rich, and next-gen apps.

      The WebView container translates your HTML app into a native app.

Limitations of Apache Cordova:

      As the mobile app is executed in the WebView, it will not perform like other cross-platform mobile apps.

      Your app might face various errors as some third-party plugins are outdated and incompetent.


We have discussed the top five Android app development frameworks that can help build high-speed, feature-rich, and unmatched mobile apps for your project.

Apart from the mentioned Android app development frameworks, some notable frameworks are JQuery Mobile, Titanium SDK, Corona SDK, Native Script, Mobile Angular JS, etc.

Choosing the proper framework for your Android app development project is crucial to streamline the process and get maximum ROI. Discuss it with the Android app development agency you have hired to find the best project-specific framework.

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