What is cloud migration? Benefits, Process, Types, and Tools


Cloud computing is many interconnected servers that use the internet to store or retrieve data and applications. The cloud refers to a storage provision on the internet where you can store data. Amazon's comprehensive service portfolio in the cloud involves servers, databases, storage, networking, and software. Firms that offer these services are referred to as cloud providers. AWS is the abbreviation for Amazon Web Services, Microsoft’s Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). The Cloud Migration Services enables usable IT capacities, processing, storage capacity, applications, and communications as needed.

What is cloud migration? Benefits, Process, Types, and Tools

What is Cloud Migration?

When part or all of the data center responsibilities are shifted to the cloud, usually using the service provided by AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure, it is considered cloud migration. This answers the fundamental question of what cloud migration is.

Whilst cloud adoption takes hold in the corporate world, companies also jump from one cloud provider to another, a process referred to as cloud migration. But before migrating data to the cloud or planning to shift to a cloud computing model, several important factors must be considered.

Top Benefits of Cloud Migration

Today’s business environment is highly dynamic; therefore, employees, departments, teams, and organizations should be sensitive to forthcoming changes. These objectives can be attained by migrating to the cloud. The cloud is an enabler and protection for businesses to adapt digitally, remain, and build a foundation for a firm’s further evolution. Its flexibility allows organizational agendas to be changed faster and handle risks better than others.

Here are the top benefits of cloud migration:

1.Scalability and Flexibility

Using the cloud, organizations can quickly scale their requirements for computing, storage, and networking capabilities in line with use. This means they do not have to wait for the new equipment during the busy periods as they have the old equipment on hand. Moreover, they only avail themselves of needed services; thus, they can limit their expenditure. Open access ensures that the development of new products is quickened, and companies can launch their products into markets more quickly.

2. Cost Savings

When transitioning to the cloud, you can avoid situations where you have to spend lump sums on hardware and software. On the same note, firms avoid making over-the-bar investments that would lock up a lot of capital and instead make reasonable installment payments throughout the lifecycle. Budgeting is also made more accessible by this. The cloud offers flexibility since it is priced based on usage and throughput; hence, it can save a lot when used. There is minor usage in comparison to owning the space.

3.Better Security and Compliance

Cloud service providers seriously work towards the security of data and applications and work towards monitoring on a round-the-clock basis. Some of the features available include auto-update, free users, anti-virus cover, and Multi-factor authentication to ensure system security. It is also important to note that most cloud providers also fulfill industry requirements to ensure that business organizations are on the right side of the law.

4. Improved Disaster Recovery

Cloud also provides reasonable DR solutions; the data and applications remain readily available in case of major incidents. Data distribution ensures that the outages of local storage are not critically damaging since data is stored in several places.

Cloud Migration Process

Certain approaches, key concepts, and tools should be employed to successfully complete the process of going to the cloud and derive the full benefits of migration. In essence, planning is a must-do activity in cloud migration because you are bound to be shifting your company’s different assets, services, computer databases, and applications either partially or fully to the cloud.

1. Define Your Scope:

Invariably, when migrating to the cloud, you should create a migration plan based on work measurement of effort, the effects that you expect to get, and the time it will take to get those effects. About success, define it in light of what matters to the organization and the value of the business that will be generated.

2. Ensure You Have the Right Data:

The quality of the data determines the quality of decisions you can make, the accurate rating of your applications, the assessment of the alternatives you have, and the choice of the right approach to migration.

3. Evaluate Your Application Portfolio:

Evaluate every application concerning its business necessity and the technical suitability of the organization. After security classification applications through categorization, it is helpful to assess them with Gartner’s Tolerate, Invest, Migrate, and Eliminate (TIME) model to decide on further management actions.

4. Consider How You Will Migrate:

Determine which main applications would be transitioned to the cloud and involve the decision-making business units.

5. Prioritize Your Migration Candidates:

Concentrate on the most actionable applications to eliminate some and bring the list down to the most relevant ones. Each application is unique and needs to be assessed to identify the most suitable strategy.

6. Impact Assessment:

Conduct a feasibility analysis to assess the prospects while endorsing the applicants’ suitability. This step prepares you for the next phase: establishing the case for the business.

7. Present the Business Case and Execute:

When armed with the information on the specific migration plan, it is straightforward to put it into practice and possibly even enhance the procedure with stakeholder support. Utilize your business case to steer your activities and constantly review the success of migration activities in your organization.

Types of Cloud Migration

Cloud migration also includes changing the cloud distribution model, such as migrating from one cloud service provider to another. The right method is thus the key to a successful migration.

1. Rehost

This method entails migrating the shared resource to the cloud without modifying the application structure. It is, more or less, a process of shifting your current environment to the cloud as if you were transferring it on a large scale. This is an efficient and cheap solution, especially for Companies that are just starting with cloud computing solutions, as it does not need big changes.

2. Refactor

Refactoring goes beyond that by restructuring your applications to become optimal cloud applications. Occasionally, an extensive, single application has to be subdivided into smaller chunks that are more workable. While it may take more time and effort and, therefore, more money, this approach yields a rather Agile, Scalable application ideal for corporations hoping to improve productivity.

3. Relocate

Relocating means transferring your servers from the localized environment in your company to a cloud-based environment that is a replica of your setup. This approach is least intrusive because you do not have to extensively modify your applications. It is suitable for organizations that wish to maintain the existing IT structure but gain the advantages of cloud computing.

4. Replatform

This means you should retain the architecture of your application’s foundation but adjust for cloud benefits. This way, security, compliance, and functionality changes can be improved without redesigning the structure completely. It is rather suitable for those who wish to implement some aspects of the cloud model without radical shifts.

5. Repurchase

Repurchase means shifting from traditional systems to new-generation cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) Systems. This method assists in reducing the cost associated with supporting old systems and provides improved performance related to contemporary technologies. As such, it is one of the efficient approaches to rationalizing and modernizing entrepreneurship.

6. Retire

Retiring means discovering which processes are useless and stopping them from running. When evaluating your systems, you cease to employ the useless or obsolete ones in fulfilling your mandates. This simplifies the IT structure and enables one to target specific cloud answers that are more suitable for present-day requirements.

Tools for Cloud Migration Process

One major approach to the cloud migration solution entails using cloud migration tools, which assist in migrating data from existing storage to the cloud. All large cloud providers provide a set of proprietary tools intended to help with this process, and there are plenty of third-party tools as well.

1. Cloud Provider Tools

AWS Migration Hub: Provides a centralized interface that enables users to track the migrating process of applications to AWS.

Azure Migrate: The most extensive suite of tools for assessing, planning, and transitioning on-premises workloads for migrating to Azure.

Google Cloud Migration Tools: *Comprises many tools that can help move data, applications, and workloads to the Google Cloud.

2. Third-Party Tools

CloudEndure: This facilitates the transition of applications and data to the cloud while also avoiding disruption to users as much as possible.

Carbonite: Provides efficient solutions for data backup and retrieval as well as cloud migration and storage.

CloudHealth: Helps to orchestrate and govern especially the costs of cloud resources comprising premises and services.

3. Data Migration Tools

AWS Data Sync: Enables fast movement of large data sets to and from the cloud and quick data return from the cloud.

Azure Data Box: This feature enables large containers to be copied onto Azure physical devices where online transfer is not feasible.

Google Transfer Appliance: A piece of hardware that is employed to aid in the management of the move of large data sets into Google Cloud.

4. Application Migration Tools

AWS Server Migration Service reduces the costs of migrating on-premises virtual servers to AWS and makes migration easier by minimizing the additional time required.

Azure App Service Migration Assistant: This enables migration of web applications to Azure App Service without much hassle as well as few interferences.


In conclusion, moving to a new platform helps to optimize scalability, reduce costs, and increase organizational flexibility. For the transition to be successful, one has to select the right tools for migration, which could be native tools offered by the providers of cloud services and others from third parties. Awareness of the tools and their capacities could reduce spending, optimize all the transition processes, and avoid possible difficulties.

So, when contemplating the cloud for your own company, be sure to think strategically about tapping into the full value of cloud computing. This process not only helps to make the migration more fluent but also contributes to the further development and better adaptability of the business.

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